Live Music Performances By:
Concert attendees are encouraged to carpool, bike, use ride sharing apps, or arrange to be dropped off. There will be posted no parking signs on the roads surrounding to ensure residents maintain access to their residences. Cars who park in violation of the no parking signs will be towed, so please plan accordingly.
The day of the event, traffic will be reduced to a single travel lane on West Roxbury Parkway under the guidance of Brookline Police and the Massachusetts State Police to allow for a rideshare drop-off lane in front of the clubhouse.
For those using ride-share apps or drop off, please instruct drivers to: 1281 West Roxbury Parkway, Brookline, MA. All drop offs will take place in front of the Golf Course on West Roxbury Parkway.
For those using ride-share apps or pick up services, please instruct drivers to 1281 West Roxbury Parkway, Brookline, MA. All pick-ups will be in the main parking lot at the Golf Course, not where you dropped off. Concert goers will be queued up for ride-share companies, and a separate waiting area for non-company pick ups.
We’ll have reserved ADA parking spaces, for those with current ADA placards at the Golf Course. To reserve an ADA parking space in advance, please send email to jlawson@brooklinema.gov.
GPS address for ADA Parking 1281 West Roxbury Parkway
A very limited number of on-site parking spaces will be available for $25 per car. Advance purchase is required. Concert attendees are encouraged to carpool, bike, use ride sharing apps, or arrange to be dropped off. There will be posted no parking signs on the roads surrounding to ensure residents maintain access to their residences. Cars who park in violation of the no parking signs will be towed, so please plan accordingly.
Additional signage will be in place approximately one week prior to the event notifying commuters on West Roxbury Parkway of the pending large event and to avoid the area. The day of the event, traffic will be reduced to a single travel lane on West Roxbury Parkway under the guidance of Brookline Police and the Massachusetts State Police to allow for a rideshare drop-off lane in front of the clubhouse.
For those wishing to park, all concert parking will be at the golf course entrance on Hammond Street, next to the Brookline Municipal Service Center.
GPS address for reserved parking and limited day of parking: 870 Hammond Street, Brookline MA
We are encouraging all forms of transportation to the concert including biking. We have partnered with Brookline Biking to develop a bike route from North Brookline to the golf course. We’ll have a bike storage area in our parking lot, with cyclists encouraged to bring a lock to secure your bicycle. Below are two routes that have been developed as well as the link to access them and download it to your gps device.
To ensure a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for all guests, staff and performers, attendees must have a ticket and consent to search of items they are carrying onto the event grounds. Please leave all non-allowable items in your car and cooperate with our with staff at the entrances. Click the button below to view all event rules and regulations.